
Chalice Moonset
Camp Galilee, Lake Tahoe, Glenbrook, Nevada, 2016

Tahoe harvest moon

Awakening slumberer:

Host and chalice miracle.

As so many of us, Carol Čizauskas had been taking photographs with her cell phone for years. Some years ago she bought her first DSLR camera, this particular camera being what one photography expert deems “a mechanical marvel.” Carol is finding that she agrees wholeheartedly. Please check out her photos on the following pages to see if you agree. Having moved from Reno to Madison, Wisconsin, three years ago, Carol takes photos where she lives and travels.

In Autumn 2016, Carol participated in a weeklong, silent, contemplative prayer retreat at Camp Galilee, Zephyr Cove, Lake Tahoe, Nevada. While it was still dark outside the last morning of the retreat, Carol was awakened from a surprisingly disturbing sleep by a terrible nightmare. She tried in vain to fall back asleep. Giving up, she looked out her cabin window towards the lake, where she saw one of the most beautiful full moonsets ever. It became clear to her then the purpose of the nightmare: to rouse her from sleep to walk outside into the chilly September predawn air where she would photograph the miracle happening at the lake. The moon shone bright and full onto the calm ripples of Lake Tahoe, allowing her to capture stunning images. Later that morning at the closing gathering, Carol’s fellow retreatants noticed something in one of her photos that astounded them. They saw the moon shining onto Lake Tahoe as a host and chalice, one of the iconic symbols from Carol’s religion, Catholicism — the symbol of her favorite sacrament, the Holy Eucharist. That host and chalice gave birth to Chalice Photography.

If you also see the magic in these photos and would like one for yourself, please fill out the order form on the contact page to order one for yourself.

Blessings and hugs to you, dear one, for visiting Carol’s Chalice Photography.

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